If you’re ready to take your life to the next level but don’t know how, our trained Success Advisors will help you bring something out of yourself that you didn’t know was there and then work with you to figure out the next steps to move you closer to where you really want to be. Every Proctor Gallagher Success Advisor is trained on the exact strategies Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher have used to help millions of people around the world. If you want greater success, more fulfillment and more abundance, speak to one of our coaches today.


DP Gates started studying Bob and Sandy at a young age. However, when he understood this material on a cellular level, everything in his life—from his health to his income—improved. And his results got better and better every year.

Now DP leads our team as Vice President of Sales helping people all over the world every day.

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Cameron Watt

Cameron Watt worked in the Turfgrass industry for a little more than 20 years. After experiencing health problems, he claimed bankruptcy, which triggered years of low confidence, poor health, a bad attitude towards money, and a deteriorating relationship. By studying personal development for a couple of years, everything has changed for the better and continues to get better in every way.

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Dusan Bordjoski
Dusan is an avid student of personal development and passionate about helping people transform their lives. When he first met Bob in 2013, he was at a very low point in his life and was desperately searching for the way out which he found in Bob’s message and advice. Since Bob helped him completely change his life, all he wanted is to help others get this message and use it for their own good.
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Executive Assistant

Rebecca first saw Bob on stage in 1999 and you could have blown her over with a feather with what she heard. As a young Mum and entrepreneur, she’d found that missing information no one else was talking about that she intuitively knew was there. She committed from then on to embody it completely and be the teacher she knew her children needed, and life changed in every way. Now, she’s on purpose sharing it with people all over the world!